Minn Tofu SOFT
Soft tofu is the Chinese-style equivalent of silken tofu. It is slightly less smooth but can be used in the same way as silken tofu.
Made from the crushed curd of soybeans, tofu is a great source of protein, fiber, iron and calcium, as well as being low in fat and cholesterol free.
Soft tofu works well in smoothies and desserts, while firm is what you want for soups and stir-fries
- Great source of protein, fiber, iron and calcium.
- As well as being low in fat and cholesterol free
- Great for Desert and Smoothies

Minn Tofu Medium Firm
Medium Firm tofu is pressed and has a somewhat spongy texture, and comes in several varieties distinguished by how much water is pressed out.
Soft tofu has the least amount of water pressed out, while super-firm has a low moisture content and a dense texture.
This type of tofu is used primarily in Asian dishes. It is a little more compact than silken but still soft.
- Great source of protein, fiber, iron and calcium.
- As well as being low in fat and cholesterol free
- Great for deep frying and stewing

Minn Tofu FIRM
The more water, the softer or 'silkier' the tofu; with less water, the tofu is firmer.
Tofu is categorized as silken, regular, firm, extra-firm and super-firm. Of all the types of tofu, firm tofu is the most widely available in supermarkets.
Firm tofu is quite compact and is often packaged soaked in liquid – the amount depends on the type of packaging.Firm tofu is like feta: it doesn’t crumble when you pick it up and it is easy to chop. In the kitchen, firm tofu is the most versatile of the tofu types.
- Great source of protein, fiber, iron and calcium.
- As well as being low in fat and cholesterol free
- Gluten free Non-GMO certified
- Great for grilling and stir frying
Non-GMO Soybean Sprouts
Soybean sprout is a culinary vegetable grown by sprouting soybeans. It can be grown by placing and watering the sprouted soybeans in the shade until the roots grow long.
Soybean sprouts are extensively cultivated and consumed in North Asia
Soybeans require soaking for between two and four hours, sprout in two to six days, keep refrigerated for two to four weeks and yield double the amount of sprouts to beans.
- Great source of protein, fiber, iron and calcium.
- Gluten free
- Non GMO

Mung Bean Sprouts
Mung bean sprouts (also known as green gram sprouts) are widely used in north Asian cooking in making side dishes, soups, stews, dumplings and many more dishes.
Then are very similar to soybean sprouts but yellow heads are not as pronounced as soybean sprouts.
. They tend to be shorter and a bit fatter than soybean sprouts. Mung beans are the most common and easily available type of sprouts. They feature largely in Asian cuisines and have a sweet, nutty flavor and crisp texture.
- Great source of protein, fiber, iron and calcium.
- Gluten free
- Non GMO